Pirelli Building Group is a registered provider for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS Registration Number - 4-FUD56Z1). We are registered under the Home Modification category covering all aspects of home renovations and improvements.
We work extensively with Occupation Therapists (OT), Local Area Coordinators (LAC) and sometimes directly with participants who self-manage their funding. In most cases, we don’t charge for our attendance and on-site consultation with the OT, LAC or participant.
Rectification and rebuild of defective or non-compliant works such as
We are also actively involved in Defence Houses Australia (DHA) projects throughout Victoria and Tasmania. DHA provide housing and related services to members of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) and their families.
Pirelli Building Group is part of the Residential Maintenance Services (RMS) panel, which provides routine maintenance and emergency repair services to the DHA housing portfolio across 36 trades.
Our strong partnership over the past two years has enabled us to continue to grown in this area and potentially secure future development projects.
Visiting your home to understand your needs.
Liasing with your occupational therapist alternatively we can engage one.
Design and prepare architectural drawings.
Provide a detailed quote
Complete Home Modifications (construction)